How To Use Your Marketing To Help People Who Are Stuck

May 28, 2021 Off

May 27, 2021 You probably have clients who have told you about how they were “stuck.” They put off looking for help because maybe the situation would take care of itself. They didn’t know what moving forward would look like. The not-knowing was reason enough to avoid it.  The uneasiness just got too strong and…

By carmala

Invite Clients to Transform Unsettledness Into Wisdom

May 28, 2021 Off

  May 27, 2021 The Hero’s Journey® can inspire people to make big changes When a person Google’s “life coach” (or spiritual teacher or executive coach or  . . . you get the idea), they’re probably looking for particular help. They’re unhappy (or at least dissatisfied) about an aspect of their life. They haven’t been…

By carmala

How To Use The Hero’s Journey For Marketing

May 4, 2021 Off

May 3, 2021 Superheroes and everyday heroes Humankind has been telling stories since, well, since before writing was invented. Do you know what stories have survived the millennia? Stories that tell of what Joseph Campbell called the “Hero’s Journey.” Stories that tell of the friends and the challenges of any significant life journey a person…

By carmala

Want to Provide Real Solutions For Your Clients?

May 31, 2020 Off

Want to Provide Real Solutions For Your Clients? Practice Deep Listening. Consider these two conversations between a marketer and an established client: #1 Marketer: “How’s it going for you in the pandemic?” Client: “Oh, you know. It’s interesting every day.” “Boy, isn’t it? Each morning I wake up and wonder what I’m going to have…

By carmala

Discussion or Dialogue?

May 27, 2020 Off

Discussion or Dialogue? It Depends On Your Goal. The team was talking about how to market the new service. It had been months developing it. Initial testing had been successful. It could make a real difference for their clients and be a specialty service making money for the company.  Shantelle, Max, and SuYung were supposed…

By carmala

How You Can Help Worshipping Communities

May 27, 2020 Off
How You Can Help Worshipping Communities Embrace Their Need for Security Procedures Show them how they benefit from your expertise   Church Security is more important than ever. “Hope isn’t a plan,” the retired military policeman reminded the small group gathered to form a new security team. “We’ve got to be ready for fire emergencies,…
By carmala

What Words Do Your Customers Tune In To?

May 27, 2020 Off

What Words Do Your Customers Tune In To? Their RAS Will Tell You.   Reticular Activating System. Write it in a piece like this and it will mess with your Flesch-Kincaid score. But, learn what it does and it will improve your marketing results considerably. How does it work? Consider this experience I had 25…

By carmala