3 Ways Gratitude Can Promote Your Inner Growth And Contentment
November 22, 2021November 22, 2021 Gratitude. What a soul-building, positive practice. Meister Eckhart, the somewhat controversial mystic and theologian of the 1300s said in his Sermon 27, “If a man [sic–he wrote 700 years ago] had no more to do with God than to be thankful, that would suffice.” Those of you who work in the…
Don’t Like Marketing But Want To Increase The Number Of People You Help? Consider This . . .
November 22, 2021November 15, 2021 If you’re in personal development or spiritual formation fields of work, you might live in the tension of wanting to reach more people but not wanting to market yourself. For many in our field, the thought of marketing stirs up immediate resistance. Maybe it conjures up the old caricature of a…
Want To Power Up Engagement? Use Key Words You Clients Look For.
November 22, 2021https://pixabay.com/users/johnhain-352999/ July 31, 2021 Reticular Activating System. Write it in a piece like this and it will mess with your Flesch-Kincaid score. But, learn what it does and it will improve your marketing results considerably. How does it work? Consider this experience I had many years ago. My RAS key words saved me from…
What Deep Desires Drive Your Clients To Look For Help?
November 22, 2021July 29, 2021 Most people are aware of their superficial motivations. “I want to buy these shoes.” (They’re really cool.) “I want to watch that game.” (I love the Packers or . . .) “I want to go out to eat this weekend.” (I’m tired of cooking and want someone else to do…